The Immeasurable Return on the Investment in Continuing Education and Team Development

One of the most significant challenges facing the construction industry is the difficulty in finding and keeping good people. We address this concern by doing everything possible to demonstrate to our team just how much we appreciate them and their families who support their careers at Davie Construction Co. Continuing education is a vital part of our team development as it provides extensive opportunities for professional growth and advancement.

We just returned from our 12th year of participation in one of the largest and most influential construction industry conferences, World of Concrete in Las Vegas. As in each prior year, we brought a team of employees and their spouses to experience the learning, networking, and fellowship that this event provides. We all followed a full schedule that included seminars, exhibits, and hands-on sessions as well as some fun after-hours spent relaxing at great restaurants and visits to several Vegas attractions. The inspiring thank you notes I receive from those who travel with us graciously express how much these trips are appreciated.

Our team was empowered at World of Concrete to make purchasing decisions that impact us all and benefit our clients. Some tried out tools featuring built-in vacuum systems to mitigate the effect of concrete dust. An intern who came along for the learning experience tested out various new models of jackhammers. There were calls back to the office to share the equipment trial results and to gather opinions from those at home. We also sourced a software module with a cloud-based field component to enhance our onsite data access. The knowledge gained at all the classes taken and exhibits visited will be shared at an all-company meeting this month in which each participant will make a presentation and answer questions.

While some of my peers might question our practice of bringing so many with us to a conference like World of Concrete, I can’t overestimate the value of such an investment. My management team includes employees who started with us out of high school, as single guys pounding nails on the framing crew. Fast forward 15 years, and these men have risen through the ranks, excelled at each step, and with extensive on the job training and continuing education are now Project Superintendents, husbands and fathers. Our focus on the well-being of our employees and their families results in loyal team members having lifelong careers at Davie Construction Co., allowing us the treasured gift of watching them grow in their personal lives.

Conferences such as World of Concrete are not the only way we enrich our employees’ knowledge base or enhance their working experience. We invite experts to our office to address our team on timely topics that impact them, including benefits like health insurance, wellness perks, and retirement plans. This month one of the authors of the North Carolina Building Code will join us to explain recent changes in the code. Later in the spring, team members will attend a scheduling class in Virginia Beach.

Continuing education and team development are essential to attracting and maintaining a superior group of construction professionals, and also provide extensive benefits to our clients. We owe it to them to be as informed and advanced in our industry intelligence, methods and systems and to consistently reinvest in our company and our team. We believe our commitment to continuing education is a compelling reason why we are privileged with such loyalty from our team, and such a high percentage of repeat clients.